Sunday, 25 September 2016

International Men's Day 19 Nov - Twitter Awakening

International Men's Day - 19 Nov
Few of us may think that it is just 1 more celebration day by those Greeting Cards Companies.
‎IMD is our identity. It is our day. It is the day that we celebrate Men.
Remember, we have graduated from just being victims of Law Misuse. We are the Crusaders of Men's Rights. Everything that we are doing is History in Making, Future defining.
Do you want to be the part of this change? India MRM is known worldwide for it's passion, direction and achievements.
It's time to keep the Flag High. Time to start waking the Twitter world to buckle-up for IMD.
Here is the Ammunition for the Twitter Awakening:

When: Starts on, 19/Nov/2016
Time: 10AM IST

Let's rock for IMD.
PS: for chapters which are running local twitter # as well, try to add both local and announced Hashtag for maximum coverage and Retweets.
Entire themselves in pursuit of happiness of their kids and family Happy #MensDay19Nov
true index of a man's character is his love for his family Happy #MensDay19Nov
Issues with physical & mental tend to have lethal consequences for men coz V r so reticent to talk @ #MensDay19Nov Don't let d men u have in your life go away from U, importance of men in your life can break U in tough times #MensDay19Nov Whether we want to believe it or not, we need family & relationships to thrive, Men r humans too #MensDay19Nov Man in your life supports u as Father, Brother, Friends respect Men's Happy #MensDay19Nov Why, not speak up?
Why u hesitate to say #MensDay19Nov Unfortunately men grossly misunderstood and undermined, they r Humans too #MensDay19Nov MEN R integral part of the society, Do not walkover them d truth is that we all need them.
#MensDay19Nov  Society only talks about Women today, why not men? why hate Men? #MensDay19Nov Men to work in worst conditions for family, society but at last get ignored by all, Men R Humans too #MensDay19Nov If all R Equal, none R above law then Y special Privileges in name of Empowerment.
Be on par #MensDay19Nov Talk about Men, their Issues, their gain, their contributions, their needs, give them love Happy #MensDay19Nov Happy #MensDay19Nov to all son, brother, father, grandfather, uncle, friend & in more roles they come Moment you put feminist on a pedestal they will look down upon you.
Trick is equality. #MensDay19Nov With life at stake U won't find feminist to come forward to say, Happy #MensDay19Nov What is dangerous about feminists is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about men. #MensDay19Nov
There is not a greater loss than the loss of one's self-respect. Happy #MensDay19Nov
Men not concerned with your liking or disliking. All they ask is equality Happy #MensDay19Nov
A true gentleman is one that refuses apologizes when he has not offended a lady intentionally Happy #MensDay19NovView hardships of men. #MensDay19Nov One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. #MensDay19Nov Natures of law says equality in diversity Happy #MensDay19Nov.


  1. I am ready ravi. Ur efforts for MRM is really great. Keep writing like this and keep people aware abt the MRM. Being a man I am also there as MRA.

  2. Thanks MRA for the general information & awareness


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