Monday, 24 April 2017


Hi Friends/Viewers,
       India is changing or making new ways in all aspects except only one which need serious attention to the government and all judicial to make changes or amend the existing Law's for Men.
Therefore just to let government/Judicial think about it and make some correction or proposed some new laws' which could save the Indian families.
Hence SIF (Save Indian Family) has organized one SATYAGRAH for MEN on 29th April'17 in Jantar Mantar, Delhi
As a men we have only become ATM machine to withdraw the money however there are no welfare commission or helpline for men unfortunately.
Guys.. this is a good opportunity to raise your voice to let government know about our own issues/problems via this SATYAGRAH, so don't sit at home to wait for other to work for you. it is the time for you to stand for yourself and fight.
"If we believe in changing tomorrow so we need to work today in order to make any change, so be unite and raise your voice louder"
Bhagat singh was the one who raised his voice first for Freedom and people followed him if he would sited at home thinking others are working, why should I go..? so I think we would still be a slave/Gulam.
so finally a humble request to all men to be the part of it and feel the change, Jai Hind !!


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Law Misused by Blinds/Handicabs - Be Aware

Hello, This might be a surprising to you that blind/handicap is also misusing the law, here I would share one real incident which happened with me yesterday only, therefore I thought of sharing it with you.

Well, I was in society park where I usally play badminton, I went yesterday and I saw one blind person lying on one of the bench, I thought may be sitting for some reason, I ignored him and started playing my game with other friends of mine.

sometime later, that blind person started yelling/Shouting with no reason, I asked him not to do that, so he started abusing, for a moment I was provoked by his abusive words, however I sympathetic didn't hurt him, and try to persuade him to calm down, so he started rotating his stick around him to hit me. I was a bit Angry with this action of him, so I requested him to sit somewhere else and moved back to my game.

He moved from there stating "will call the Police now" I was little astonished with this reaction of him however I ignored him and continued playing my game.

Post half an hour or so, Police was there from near by thane, and asked blind person, what has happened, he replied "I was sitting on the bench and that guy came and snatched my money amount 2000 Rs and also abused/slapped me several times." I was really astonished to see his replay.

Police person asked from blind ,who is that guy, he said, the one playing badminton, co-incidentally, there were many people were playing badminton and they supported me and no one said anything to Policeman. hence he has to leave back without anyone.

But this could have been a problem instead, if anyone could have stated my name or identified me.
As police has more sympathetic towards them.


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